The G.N. International Academy is an English Medium School. It is running on the pattern of central board of secondry eduction, New Delhi. It has impreessive building, equipped with modern amenities,electricity........
Our vision is to create a schooling systein where every child must learn, urmare and develop the innate qualities to become competent and confident individual....
Our mission is to make students ready for the challenges posed by the new world order on one side and the powerful impact of globalization on the other side. Our focus shall be that every student must acquire certain basic envies of life like the ability to think a reasonable imagination. tural curiosity. communication skills and mathematical natural ability besides having some soft skills like humility, ethical sense and team player. Besides being a cognitive development there will be focus on value education, life skills education and 21 century skills. We will create a positive academic environment in the school to make learning joyful and stress free.